Episode 0: Prologue [Europe 2017 series]

My first trip of 2017 was a 2week ‘citybreak’ in Europe. I’ve been wanting to go to some European cities for a while but didn’t want to just book city breaks every other weekend. I wanted to be away for 2 weeks, try to save as much money as possible and do as much asContinue reading “Episode 0: Prologue [Europe 2017 series]”

My own way of travelling… [MOWT]

Before I start describing my travelling adventures, there’s something you need to know. I’m a planner. I’m a project manager and I plan. That’s what I do. I also read a ridiculous amount of blogs, social media advice pages, books, street signs, maps, cereal labels…. pardon, I digress. I believe that people travel differently andContinue reading “My own way of travelling… [MOWT]”

The beginning….

Just to explain the reasoning behind writing this blog. I’ve always been passionate about travelling, exercising and having a healthy lifestyle! Thankfully my parents where pretty amazing and not only took me to some cool places but have also given me a lot of opportunities to experience different things (sports etc.). As you grow old,Continue reading “The beginning….”